It's About Time– Alys Beach Gracefully Comes Into Its Own

Archival Article 4: FALL / WINTER ‘12

It's About Time– Alys Beach Gracefully Comes Into Its Own
Words by Lynn Smith Publication: Fall / Winter ‘12

Alys Beach was conceived in an era of confidence and exuberance.
The town is coming of age in a different time. And the spirit of creativity abounds today.

Frank Lloyd Wright wrote, "Every great architect is necessarily a great poet. He must be a great interpreter of his time, his day, his age." In our fast-paced and ever-changing world, the conflicting demands of originality and appropriateness are incredibly challenging, which makes poetry all the more necessary.

As the town of Alys Beach transitions from the real estate slowdown of the past few years into a period of renewed building, more and more families are discovering it's the perfect time to consider being an integral part of a special place in the making.

Yet maybe there is something to say for slow and steady wins the race. Town architect Marieanne Khoury-Vogt tends to agree on some levels. "DPZ's original vision for Alys Beach is masterful in terms of how the courtyard houses compose harmonious streets and carve out public spaces," she explains. "The real estate slowdown over the past few years allowed the luxury of letting our green spaces evolve more gradually in response to the architecture."

As refreshing as that outlook might be, there's even more to like about the current enthusiasm throughout Alys Beach. "Nor only are new owners experiencing the joys of living in Alys Beach," Marieanne maintains, "Many of the original homeowners are rediscovering that sense of excitement." For new property owners who are in the process of building, as well as others who want to experience the delights of Alys Beach for a weekend or a week, 20 luxury homes of varying sizes are available for vacation rentals. The concept is catching on and occupancy is up over 40 percent from this time last year.

Marieanne and her husband, Erik, can personally attest to the pleasures of Alys Beach.
Not only have the talented husband-and-wife team served as town architects from the beginning, they were one of the first families to live in Alys. And they certainly entertain their share of family and friends who love any excuse to get away to the beach.

When it comes to property owners moving ahead with construction, it's no longer a wait and see attitude. The most recent wave of property owners are engaging their architects and starting the design process without hesitation. More than 24 houses are scheduled to begin construction over the next two years. all to be built according to standards set forth by FORTIFIED for Safer Livingc, and Florida's Green Home Designation Standard. "You sense these owners' real desire to be part of our unique community:' adds Marieanne. "That resonates with us on a professional and personal level."

Inspiring as the past few years have been for Marieanne and Erik Voge working on a few sdecr custom homes in Alys Beach, they relish the chance to cackle civic struccurts and recreational ameniries. The Town Center and the Sea Garden Walk, which will link the original I 6 courtyard homes to "The Perch;' are making headway. "Anticipating che public
reahn coming ro life is increclibly exciting for us;' says Marieanne. It's also a great cime for their two girls, who have licerally grown up with the town.
lys Beach. "Eva loves to bike and ex plore the nature trails, as well as join us on construction sites, ex-plains Marieaone. '"l't's fascinating to gel feedback through the eyes a 12-year-old who is independent and outsPoken."

Thoughtful planning and architectural details enhance the casual yet sophisticated lifestyle of Alys Beach, which allows thelatest new urbanise town on 30A to stand apart from other likeminded communities. Encompassing 158 acres of which 20 are devoted to a nature preserve, Alys &ach is larger than Seaside at 80 acres and Rosemary Beach at I 07 acres. Pathways and access to the Gulf throughout are cricical to the urbanity and sense of community. Te.rraces and counyatds enliven individual homes, while attentive positioning ensures sight lines to the Gulf from private terraces, public parks, and civic structures.

Alys Beach's original vision called for a variety in the types of homes co be built, including townhouse, family compound, and the major differenciacor, the courtyard home. The beauty of these courtyard homes is their anchoring of the srrucru,·e to the site-embracing the community and natural setting-while offering cloistered and sheltered outdoor spaces enhanced by  transitional spaces, archways, and the placement of windows and doorways. As JOA has enjoyed a resurgence of tourists this summer, these courtyard homes arc a
welcome change of pace. "The courtyard homes of Alys Beach offer our residents a choice;• explains the town architecL "You can engage with friends and neighbors among the public gathering spaces al Caliza or you can retreat into the privacy of your own sheltered courtyard:'

Collective consciousness and historical wisdom inform cultural and aesthetic traditions. Those traditions resound throughout Alys Beach and encourage enduring architecture and timeless homes that will be cherished for generations. Alys Brach is committed to creating a meaningful and vibrant place to live along the water. There's no time like the present to be part of the dream.